Server Side Includes
What are Server Side Includes? How can you improve your rankings via SSI?
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a popular server-side scripting language, which is often used to include the content of one file inside a second file. It is utilized predominantly with online content and it will help make a static HTML website a lot more dynamic. If you need to have a daily quote shown on many webpages of your website, for example, you can make a text file and replace the quote inside it daily. All the pages where this file is incorporated will display the updated quote, so you will not have to edit every one of them by hand every single time. SSI could also be used to include the output of simple functions rather than a static file - for instance, the visitor's IP address, a hit counter or the current time and date. In this manner, you may make your site look far more professional and much more appealing to the visitors. Web pages that implement SSI have a .shtml extension.
Server Side Includes in Cloud Website Hosting
You will be able to use Server Side Includes with all
cloud website hosting packages we provide and activate it separately for every single domain name or subdomain in your hosting account. This can be achieved by using an .htaccess file, which needs to be positiioned in the folder in which you want to use SSI and you have to put a few lines of code in that file. You can get the code inside our Knowledgebase section, so you can simply just copy and paste it, as you don't need any coding expertise to take advantage of all of the capabilities that our solutions feature. In case you have by now built your site and you wish to employ Server Side Includes later, you must ensure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and correct the links on the website, or else SSI won't work.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you get a
semi-dedicated server package with us, it will be easy to enable Server Side Includes with a couple of mouse clicks and for virtually any domain or subdomain of your choosing. We've got a detailed Help article about the subject you can see in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. All it takes to activate Server Side Includes is to copy a number of lines from the article inside an .htaccess file that you need to set up in the main folder of the domain name/subdomain and you will be ready to go. You should only make certain that all files using SSI have the proper extension i.e. .shtml, not .html, as well as that the links on your site are updated and point to the already updated files.